The rising trend of extremism challenges reporters, who have the responsibility to continue to report ethically and accurately.
The Atlantic does not hesitate to identify hateful rhetoric.
“Calling something racist is not subjective,” said Swati Sharma, managing editor.
In a session called “Extremism in the Age of Trump,” Sharma and four Atlantic colleagues discussed their decision to label racist comments made by President Donald Trump as such.
Earlier this year, the AP Stylebook changed the guidelines for covering race.
According to Poynter, the guidelines now empower journalists to use the word “racist” to describe words and actions that qualify as such, but caution against calling someone a racist.
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George Bodarky of WFUV and Naomi Starobin of WHYY shared tips to become a better broadcaster. Watch Bodarky’s advice below.
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The first time that Julia Furlan tried freelancing, she only earned $14,000/year, but she gained valuable skills from the experience and has more success freelancing.
Furlan, alongside Monica Castillo, imparted tips for freelancing.
Monica Castillo and Julia Furlan advise attendees on getting started in freelancing at the Excellence in Journalism conference in San Antonio on Sept. 6. (RTDNAPhoto/Sarah Al-Arshani)
Do not work for free, not even in the beginning. Beyond the financial toll, Furlan explained that working for free has an emotional toll.
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