Reporter Moses Small interviews CBS correspondent Ed O’Keefe and Telemundo journalist María Peña about how journalists should cover the 2020 presidential election.
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“There are risks associated with what we do. I carry more safety and support equipment than I do camera equipment,” photojournalist Chris Post said.
Post wasn’t always a journalist. He worked as a first responder for more than twenty years before becoming a photographer. When he is not on assignment in Pennsylvania, Post teaches journalism professionals how to protect themselves.
Situational awareness is the ability to identify, assess and act on the constant flow of information from one’s surroundings. This is vital to field crews and journalists to ensure safety.
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Journalism is now experiencing the biggest shift yet ever since social media took over. It is important that journalists incorporate and integrate social media into their stories. A growing number of Americans predominately consume their news from social media. Today, social media outperforms print-based journalism according to a 2018 study by the Pew Research Center.
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Boyd Huppert and Mike Castellucci are more than reporters; they are storytellers. Here’s an in depth look on how young reporters can become skilled storytellers.
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Victor Hernandez and Mike Reilley led a three-hour workshop about journalism tools at EIJ19.
Here you can find a list of all the tools they suggested. For journalists busy learning how to fill out their toolkits, here’s a highlight reel.
Journalism is more than reporting
Office management is a huge part of journalism. These apps can help a newsroom to coordinate.
Trello is the ultimate project management app. This app allows offices to keep track of schedules, coordinate projects and share information.
Continue reading the "A Journalism Toolkit" »
George Bodarky of WFUV and Naomi Starobin of WHYY shared tips to become a better broadcaster. Watch Bodarky’s advice below.
Continue reading the "Sarah Arshani Finds her Inner Broadcaster" »
The first time that Julia Furlan tried freelancing, she only earned $14,000/year, but she gained valuable skills from the experience and has more success freelancing.
Furlan, alongside Monica Castillo, imparted tips for freelancing.
Monica Castillo and Julia Furlan advise attendees on getting started in freelancing at the Excellence in Journalism conference in San Antonio on Sept. 6. (RTDNAPhoto/Sarah Al-Arshani)
Do not work for free, not even in the beginning. Beyond the financial toll, Furlan explained that working for free has an emotional toll.
Continue reading the "15 Tips for Fabulous Freelancing" »
Younger journalists and students are redefining what ‘professional dress’ means. Gone are the days of conservative suits and black pencil skirts. Younger journalists are favoring bright colors and bold silhouettes.
Here are some of the smart looks captured at EIJ19.
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The Washington Post published an article with the headline, “Joe Biden says ‘details are irrelevant.’ Can Democrats get away with that in the Trump era?”
CBS News did a segment on telling jokes in the Trump era.
The Wall Street Journal wrote an opinion piece on how progressives are keeping calm in the Trump era.
The New Yorker recorded a video on lies and truth in the era of Trump.
All of these pieces have four words in common: in the Trump era.
Continue reading the "Reporting in the ‘Trump Era’" »